Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring around our House

I love when all these flowers are in bloom. It has been raining a lot and now they need some sunshine.

Sorry I don't know how to delete a picture. So here is two of the same. We are getting seriously into composting. We hardly have any garbage to put out. We put our table scraps, lawn clippings, weeds dirt and we will use this for our garden. We also recycle almost everything. We need two recycle cans instead of two garbage cans because we have very little garbage. It's a good feeling.
Bill hurt his back while sleeping somehow and he took a very strong pain pill. I don't think an earthquake would have woke him up.

Our apple tree is in full bloom. It looks so pretty. I love spring.


TheKeilShpeel said...

how cool.. how do you make compost and without hte dogs getting into it?:).

Melanie Fiuza said...

I can't wait to donate my rose bush branches to the green cause!